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Filter options overview

GuardREC® Compliance offers a variety of filter options to help you retrieve specific recordings for audit purposes. Here's an overview of each filter and what they do:

  • Date & Time: Filter recordings based on specific dates and times or use quick filters for common timeframes.

  • From/To: Filter recordings based on the caller/sender (From) and receiver (To) identifiers.

  • User: Filter recordings based on specific users in your organization.

  • User Group: Filter recordings based on specific user groups in your organization.

  • Client: Filter recordings based on specific clients.

  • Content: Search the content of transcribed audio and other text-based communications.

  • Device: Filter recordings involving specific registered devices within your organization.

  • Device Type: Filter recordings based on the type of device used.

  • Direction: Filter recordings based on their direction (incoming or outgoing).

  • Extra info: Search for extra metadata associated with certain types of communication.

  • Flags: Filter recordings based on specific flags.

  • Info: Filter recordings based on various information attributes.

  • Length: Filter recordings based on their duration.

  • Record type: Filter recordings based on their type (audio, email, messages).

  • Risks: Filter recordings based on associated risks.

  • Tags: Filter recordings based on assigned tags.

Click on a filter's name to learn more about it.

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