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Content filter

The Content filter in GuardREC® Compliance enables you to search for recordings based on specific words or phrases in the communication. The Content filter searches in all text-based communication. This includes transcribed audio, messages, and emails. Here's how to use it:

  • To access the Content filter, click on the filter icon and then select Content from the dropdown list.

  • In the 'Content' field, type in the word, phrase, or term you're interested in.

  • When typing phrases, the system uses 'AND' logic between the words. This means if you search for a phrase, the system will return recordings that contain all the words in the phrase.

  • You can add multiple search terms to the filter. To do this, press enter after each term, and then start typing the next term.

  • When adding multiple terms to the filter, the system applies 'OR' logic. This means the search results will include recordings containing any of the specified terms, not recordings that contain all of them at once.

The Content filter is a powerful tool when auditing interactions based on specific topics, keywords, or phrases.

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