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Utilizing Tags

Tags are a versatile tool in GuardREC® Compliance, offering numerous ways to classify and retrieve your data. By using them effectively, you can enhance your organization's risk management, training, reporting, and investigation processes.

To get you started, here are some ideas on how to utilize tags effectively.

  • Categorizing Communication
    Tags provide a flexible method for classifying communication based on different types, such as "Buy," "Sell," "Hold," "Order," and more. Additionally, tags can be applied to categorize communication by nature, such as "Complaint," as well as other categories that are relevant to your business.

  • Documenting Audits
    You can create tags specifically for documenting audits, such as "Random Check," or utilize tags aligned with your Compliance annual monitoring plan. These tags can play a crucial role in the audit process, allowing you to easily identify and manage relevant recordings for audit purposes.

  • Highlighting Risks

    Tags can be used to categorize and monitor potential risks in your data. You could create tags such as "High Risk" or "Potential Violation" to mark conversations or segments that may need further review.

  • Training and Development
    Use tags to highlight examples of good or poor practices to use in training sessions. Tags such as "Good Practice" or "Needs Improvement" can make it easy to retrieve these examples when needed.

  • Regulatory Reporting
    Tags can make regulatory reporting easier. For example, you could create a tag named "STOR" for suspicious transactions or orders that need to be reported.

  • Trend Identification
    By tagging similar types of incidents or conversations, you can easily spot trends or patterns. For example, if you notice a recurring issue, you can create a tag for it and monitor its frequency over time.

  • Escalating Issues
    Tags can play a crucial role in escalating issues within GuardREC® Compliance. By creating specific tags like "Urgent" or "Escalate," you can quickly highlight and prioritize recordings that require immediate attention or further action.

  • Assisting in Investigation and Audit Processes
    Tags can be used to highlight specific points of interest in a larger body of data. Tags such as "Key Evidence" or "Contradiction" can quickly point to specific parts of recordings that are especially relevant to the investigation.

Remember, this just scratches the surface of what you can do with tags. Feel free to get creative and come up with your own ways to use tags to meet your organization's unique needs.

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