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Creating and Adding Tags

Tags are an excellent way to organize and categorize your recordings in GuardREC® Compliance. This guide will explain how to create, apply, and delete tags effectively in your GuardREC® Compliance system.

You need the Tag Record permission to create and add tags. If you do not have this permission, please contact your system administrator.

Creating Tags

There are two ways to create tags in GuardREC® Compliance:

Through the Administration:

  1. Go to the Administration tab.

  2. Click on Tags in the menu on the left.

  3. Click on Add.

  4. Enter a name for the tag and provide a brief description.

  5. Click Save to create the tag

Directly From a Recording:

  1. Select one or multiple recordings and click the Add Tag button.

  2. In the dialogue box, enter the tag's name and description.

  3. Click Add to create and add the tag.

You can create as many tags as you want for better categorization and quick identification of your recordings.

Adding Tags to Recordings

  1. Select one or multiple recordings that you want to tag.

  2. Click the Add Tag button.

  3. In the dropdown menu, select the appropriate tag or create a new one.

Renaming or Deleting Tags

  1. Navigate to Administration -> Tags.

  2. To rename a tag, simply add a new name and click Save.

  3. To delete a tag, select one or multiple tags that you want to delete, and lick the Delete button. Be careful with this step, as deleting a tag will remove it from all the recordings or segments it was applied to.

Utilizing Tags Effectively

For more inspiration on how to utilize tags effectively in your GuardREC® Compliance system, please click here.

Remember, good tagging practices can greatly enhance the usability and efficiency of your GuardREC® Compliance system, making it easier for you to find exactly what you're looking for when you need it.

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