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Export to Finanstilsynet in the new format

This article describes the workflow for exporting data to Finanstilsynet in the new export format of January 2023.

To meet the updated export requirements established by Finanstilsynet (The Supervisory Authority of Norway), data must be packaged into a ZIP file, which should consist of the following components:

  • Audio records: WAV files (16KHz).

  • Metadata: JSON files containing relevant information.

  • User list: A CSV file that includes the names and phone number(s) of your employees associated with the audit.

  • Client list: A CSV file that includes the names and phone number(s) of your clients associated with the audit.

Adhering to this format ensures compliance with Finanstilsynet's guidelines and facilitates a streamlined export process.

With this guide, you'll gain step-by-step instructions on how to seamlessly export your data to meet Finanstilsynet's requirements.

1. Add records to a Case

  1. Retrieve records using the filter panel.

  2. Select records and click Add to case

  3. Choose New case and give it a name, e.g “Export to Finanstilsynet”

2. Add Clients

You’ll need the Manage Clients permission to do this.

Finanstilsynet expects you to provide a CSV file listing client names and their associated phone number(s). By adding this information to Clients in GuardREC® Compliance, the export will automatically create the CSV file for you.

  1. Navigate to Administration → Clients.

  2. Right-click on All clients and choose Add client.

  3. Enter client’s full name and click Add.

  4. Select Mobile or Landline in the Device dropdown menu and enter the client’s phone number. Phone numbers must be prefixed with an international calling code (e.g., +47 for Norway). If not, the system-defined default will be prepended.

  5. Repeat step 4 if a client has multiple phone numbers.

  6. Repeat step 2-5 for all clients associated with the audit.

Need to import a large number of clients? Follow this guide on batch importing clients.

3. Export and send

This feature is only available in version 2023.3 or later

  1. Right-click on the Case you created in Step 1.

  2. Choose Export. You will now have the option to choose what to include in the export.

  3. Include Records and Metadata by ticking the checkboxes.

  4. Click Start Export.

  5. Once the export is ready, press click here to download.

  6. Once the download is complete, you’ll get a ZIP file including the following:

    • Audio records as WAV files (16KHz)

    • Metadata as JSON files

    • User list as CSV

    • Client list as CSV

  7. You’re now set and can send the ZIP file as is to Finanstilsynet.


Do I need to do anything with the ZIP-file before I send it to Finanstilsynet?

No, if you have followed the steps above, the ZIP file is now formatted as Finanstilsynet expects.

Can I export and send multiple ZIP-files to Finanstilsynet?


When I open the CSV files in Excel, characters like "ÆØÅ" are replaced with special symbols. Do I need to worry about this?

No need to worry about this!

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