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The Clients feature in GuardREC® Compliance allows you to easily manage and organize your client data within our compliance recording solution.

With our Client feature, you have the flexibility to assign identifiers (such as phone numbers and email addresses) to a client. You can add clients one by one or bulk upload them using a CSV file.

One of the key benefits of using the Client feature is that it makes searching for specific clients and their records much easier. When retrieving records, you can search on a client's name instead of having to enter specific identifiers such as their phone number or email address.

Using the Client feature, you can also group your clients into different companies, making it easier to manage and sort through your client data.

The Client feature also allows you to blacklist clients, which can be particularly useful if a client involves additional risk, such as a politically exposed person (PEP) or similar. When you blacklist a client, any records associated with that client will be highlighted as a risk and can be easily searched for and retrieved.

Overall, the Client feature is a powerful addition to GuardREC® Compliance that streamlines the management of client data and makes retrieving client records faster and more efficient.

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