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Onboarding and Offboarding users with Teams recording

This guide outlines the required procedures for onboarding and offboarding users with Teams recording.

Onboarding Users with Teams recording

Steps 2 and 3 must be executed by your Teams Tenant administrator.

Step 1: Onboard the user in GuardREC® Compliance
The user should subsequently undergo the onboarding process in GuardREC® Compliance. Note: When adding Device to a user, use the user's email address as the unique identifier.

Step 2: Include the User in the originally created Security Group
The new user must be added to the exact same Security Group that was originally created during the initial activation of Teams recording.

Step 3: Assign the Recording Policy to the User
Use the following PowerShell commands to assign the recording policy to the user:

# Replace with your domain

Grant-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy `

-Identity `

-PolicyName guardrec-recording

Step 4: Verify the Setup and Recording
Finally, verify that the setup is correct and that the recording functionality is working as expected. This can be done by conducting a few test calls to the user and then checking to see if these test recordings have been received in GuardREC® Compliance.

Offboarding Users with Teams recording

Step 1 must be executed by your Teams Tenant administrator.

Step 1: Remove recording policy from the user
Use the following PowerShell commands to remove the recording policy from users:

# Replace with your domain

Grant-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy `

-Identity `

-PolicyName $null

Step 2: Offboard the user in GuardREC® Compliance
The user should subsequently undergo the offboarding process in GuardREC® Compliance.

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